Recurrent Yeast Infections & Vulvodynia

“Most will tell you that the cause of vulvodynia is unknown. Some may wonder if Candida can cause vulvodynia. Yet while more research needs to be conducted, there is evidence that recurring Candida or vaginal yeast infections can result in vulvodynia. Vaginal yeast infection symptoms may be mild or moderate, but they do nonetheless, have a significant impact on women’s health” [1]
And this is one reason why getting an accurate diagnosis from an Experienced Vulvodynia Pain Specialist, is so essential to getting back on track

The Low Down on Candida

Vulvodynia describes a long-term condition which creates vulvar pain. This can derive from a medical history of having yeast infections. In fact: “one study of mice with recurrent infections, showed that they also developed chronic vulvar pain” [1].

As noted by the CDC (Centres for Disease Control & Prevention), Candidiasis (a form of yeast infection), derives from the fungus, Candida. Generally speaking, this fungus/yeast, resides peacefully throughout and within, various regions of the body. These include: the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina. However, there is a downside: this well known fungus can expand uncontrollably, thereby generating an infection which brings about vulvar pain and vaginal changes [1]. To that end, when you visit a Vulvodynia Pain Consultant, they will undertake a simple candida test, in order to rule it out as a possible cause for vulvodynia.

Of note: vagina candidiasis is also referred to as candidal vaginitis, vaginal candidiasis, or vulvovaginal candidiasis [1]. And while this medical terminology may seem confusing, you can rest assured that the Vulva Pain Specialist, will explain everything to you in easy to understand layman’s terms.

Did You Know?

“When you have a Candida allergy, your symptoms may overlap with other conditions, making it hard to determine the cause” [1]

If you are a Vulvodynia sufferer, you may have at least one of the following symptoms:

•Itching in the vagina and vulvar tissue
•A sore, red vulva
•Burning pain (this is particularly prevalent during sexual intercourse, and when passing urine)
•Inflammation that generates itchy, long-term pain in the pelvis
•A virginal discharge resembling white cottage cheese
•A vaginal rash
•A watery discharge from the vagina
•Feeling depressed
•Feeling anxious
•Feeling irritable [1].

Compiling a Symptom Diary For Your Vulva Pain Specialist

Whether your first appointment is online or in-person, compiling a daily Symptom Diary, will be extremely helpful for your Pain Doctor. Be sure to make a note of how long the pain lasts, what you were doing at the time, and what you think may have brought it on.


[1]. Landale. T. (2022). “Can Candida Cause Vulvodynia?”