How to Choose the Right Clinic For Vulvar Pain Treatment

Making the Right Move to Put Your Life Back on Track

Finding a clinic which specialises in Vulva Pain Treatment should be the first criteria. After this, you need to look at the credentials of the doctors , consultants and practitioners who are on the team. These should be medics who have had extensive training and experience in the field of vulvodynia, and as noted by the National Vulvodynia Association, should include:
• Vulva Pain Doctors who are highly experienced in their field, and who can create an Individualised Holistic Treatment Plan that can incorporate both conventional treatment and cutting-edge solutions and therapy. They will also have other professionals who are either on their team, or who they have an association with; thus making referrals and professional communication quick and efficient. These professionals include:
• Pelvic floor physical therapists who specialise in vulvodynia
• Sexual therapists
• Dermatopathologists
• Psychologists
• Cognitive Behaviour Therapists [1]

A Case in Point

The renowned Vulvar Pain Clinic (which is situated in Harley Street, in the heart of London), is dedicated to helping women be mindful of, and manage their long-term vulvar pain. This is achieved through a multi-discipline approach, and the latest state-of-the-art treatments, therapies, and techniques; all of which have been shown to ameliorate sufferers’ quality of life. The Vulva Pain Clinic’s highly qualified medical team are fully aware that the medical community has very little real understanding of the trauma that is brought about by vulva pain. – A totally unacceptable situation which leads to countless women living with the physical and emotional impact of this condition, without ever receiving the appropriate treatment and care that they so desperately need. And this is why the specialists at the Vulvar Pain Clinic, have produced the self-help book, entitled, Viva La Vulva. – This is a popular tome which contains a wealth of easy-to-understand information about vulvar pain, self-help techniques, diagnostic processes, alternative therapies, and much more.

Getting Help: What Will Happen on My First First Appointment?

Whether your appointment is online or in-person, you will be given an extended consultation. This will include a detailed medical history and (if in person, a physical exam on the same day). “Depending on your symptoms, the appointment may also include a more extensive vulvar exam, vulvar biopsy, testing for hormone levels, or evaluation for possible infections.
For your first appointment, the National Vulvodynia Association recommends that you bring a list of any symptoms you’ve experienced, even if you don’t think they’re related, and a notepad so you can write down important information” [1].


[1]. National Vulvodynia Association (2023). “Vulvodynia Treatments.”