Getting Diagnosed with Endometriosis

According to an Endometriosis Association survey: “Endometriosis can take a while to properly diagnose-averaging anywhere from up to 6 to 10 years, in fact. This happens for a few reasons, including:

•Symptoms being dismissed as “just bad periods.” This is especially true of younger women
•Some symptoms of endometriosis may be similar to symptoms of other diseases
•About 1 out of 3 women consults 3 to 4 physicians before receiving an endometriosis diagnosis” [1] – And this is why it is crucial to visit an Experience Pain Specialist

So What Does a Diagnosis Involve?

In order to accurately diagnose endometriosis, your Pain Specialist will review your medical history, and then ask you about the types of symptoms you are experiencing. To that end, it is valuable to compile a daily “Symptom Diary,” which you can show to your doctor. – This should include the times of day when your pain was at its strongest, when it ameliorated, and what you were doing at the time. By doing this, you will save a lot of time at your appointment, and very importantly, be able to give an accurate picture of what has been happening.

Your Pain Consultant (a general practice doctor, who has specialised in medical pain and its treatment), will then undertake various tests to see if they can find any clues of endometriosis. These comprise:

•A Pelvic Exam: this involves checking your pelvis for abnormalities, such as scars behind your uterus, or cysts on your reproductive organs
•Ultrasound: this methodology employs high-frequency sound waves to generate images of specific areas inside your body. It is able to pinpoint any endometriosis-associated cysts
•MRI (magnetic resonance imaging: this system involves a magnetic field and radio waves that are able to generate detailed images of your body’s tissues and organs. (If you require surgery, then this process also helps with the planning, as it provides intricate data about the size and location of endometrial implants)
•Laparoscopy: in some instances, your Pain Specialist could arrange for you to visit a surgeon in order to have this procedure, which enables them to see inside your abdomen. It involves having a general anesthesia, thereby allowing the surgeon to make a very small incision close to your navel. He/she will then insert a laparoscope (a thin viewing instrument), which will empower them to look for any signs of endometrial tissue which has formed outside the uterus [1].


[1]. SpeakEndo (2022). “Endometriosis Diagnosis.”

[2]. Mayo Clinic (2018). “Endometriosis.”